Im always excited when I'm heading in UO even though every single trip lets me down. This isn't because of the fare it has to offer but because my first trip into one of these hallowed stores was on Broadway in New York City when the dollar was at its best for a Brit shopper like myself. In England I generally go straight for the sale section knowing that atleast I'll be able to afford something from there. Tried on a couple of skirts (I really do need to do a post on my love affair with jersey fabric) but neither fit great so I plumped in the end for a vintage-style sexy nightie/slip and white patent purse, £20 & £10 respectively

Since the boy decided to add a third scent to his growing collection with Ralph Lauren Blue, I felt I should do the same. Please note I will still pledge my allegiance to Coco Chanel, and shall probably wear it every day until I die, but occasionally I want for something a little lighter (plus at 50 odd quid a bottle and the way I spray it, its probably more prudent to having something to help spread out its life span). After smelling a few I opted for Stella McCartney's Stella...not a new kid on the block but the rose scent made me feel nostalgic and reminded me of my grandma's talc (though I will note you don't get very much for £30)!
I had a quick sneak into Accessorize while the boy perused the bargain bins in a record shop, hoping to find a few gems in the sale section. Unfortunately for the purse strings the only things I was taken with where full price...damn. After seeing a fellow blogger's purchases from this store via their YouTube video I really wanted the ribbon and chain bracelet with the big gold anchor charm. First dilemma being that I couldn't decide between the red, blue, or stripe ribbon. Second being that my tiny hands and wrists made it look as if it was going to fall off at any minute. So instead I went for a £12 chain, navy ribbon and pearl necklace and a £5 gold chain and black ribbon ring picked up last minute at the till

Right, being the good housewife that I am I'm off to await my beau's return from football practice and check on the roast gammon joint in the over. Who know's I may even wear the patties tonight ;)
(Apologies for the cut + paste pictures, I am still without a digital camera boo hoo!)
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