Friday, 31 July 2009

And The Decorating Of The Bathroom Goes On

Seriously? Still Decorating the bathroom?

Er, yeah! Much to my annoyance we are still powering through with getting this room sorted (FYI it will be the only room decorated to our taste when its finally finished which is why every spare second is going on it).

So why the hell-i-o has it taken so long? Well first there's the two full time jobs we hold down (mine with random retail hours and his with overtime). Then there was the painting - I swear that the previous decorators had mixed glss in with the emulsion used on the ceiling and in the end we both found we got better coverage with mini paint rollers and the sponge heads meant for gloss work. Then the tiling - I have no idea how to tile but so as not to spend £150+ on getting someone in, and so I'd learn how to do something new in the process, I decided to give it a go. Unfortunately, thanks to uneven walls, I got to a point where I was really rather stuck so Mummy came to help (she also taught herself to tile and is where I get my 'well of course I can do that' attitude). However, in the process I may have inadvertently given her swine flu - I was really the only person she's seen in the last 7 days as she spends a lot of time at her allotment and while I have no symptoms I could be a carrier (I do have a rockin' immune system).

Dear Daddy has fitted the shower and shower rail, which included a little physical manipulation to get it to work with our angled loft ceiling (the kitchen and bathroom having their own little roof, seperate from the rest of the house).

We then decided to pull up the lino after a massive cleaning frenzy in which I even took the toilet seat apart to clean in thoroughly. We where going to do this anyway, especially after seeing what fab condition the floorboards where in, but sooner rather than later seemed the best option when faced with 30 mins of removing tile adhesive blobs from something we didn't even want.

So, now its just a waiting (and careful bathing) game while the grout dries before we can put silicon sealent on, and while the gloss on the shelves dry before we can do another. Then there'll be a little drilling action while we fix everything on to the wall. And then it will be, to all intents and purposes, done with just a few weeks wait until my next holiday when I will be paintng the floor.

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