Anyway, muchos to tell:
- Got my package from E.L.F.! Yay for my postman who put it under my doormat rather than sending it back to the depot for me to arrange re-delivery (which would have meant I wouldn't have received my goodies til tommorow). I've tried everything and will be posting a full review tommorow lunch
- The bathroom is still not finished! Ha, is this really a surprise to anyone? Really it's just the shelves that need finishing but because we're using gloss paint it takes an age. A plus point is that Papa has been round and done the silicony bit around the tub so Friday evening will be the time for the first official proper standing up shower. Woop woop!
- Uniform came round again and I got 6 gorgrous things but I couldn't find everything on the website to show you pics so that will have to come at a later date.
- I just made smily face Smartie buns (this is not really relevant but they make me smile so I thought I'd put it out their)
"Betty magazine is a new bi-monthly e-publication created just for girls. Empowering, witty, intelligent - quite simply a jamboree of independent style. Betty is your new best friend. Betty's mission is to fill a void in women's magazines, no weight loss or diet tips here, we don't want to play on people's insecurities: our philosophy is for people to embrace who they are and celebrate it. Content is a whimsical mix of editorial, news bits and interviews ranging from 50 word snippets to feature length articles. Betty is produced by two final year BA (Hons) Fashion Promotion students, Hannah Burgess and Charlotte Jacklin from UCA Rochester, who are changing the way people consume their bi-monthly dose of fashion, music, culture and lifestyle."
Well after reading the magazine and enjoying it very much (for me it's kind of a mix between Nylon and Neet but more accessible and a little quirky) I decided to go out on a limb and contact Hannah and Charlotte about whether they would like some help from me as a copy editor (stylistics being a sick and perverse obsession of mine lol). And I waited...and waited...and then, despite the fact I made it very clear in my e-mail that I in no way meant my comments as patronising or condescending, felt a fool, sure that they where scorning my behaviour. Then I forgot all about it. Not until several days after did I check my e-mail (I check it even less frequently than I post if that's possible) to find an e-mail from Charlotte taking me up on my offer. Yippee! Not only will I be involved in a cool new online magazine but I didn't make a twerp out of myself

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